The second phase of competitive selection within the European Commission Call for Proposals “Mayors for Economic Growth Pioneer Projects” is under way.

05 September 2017

Out of 164 applications to the Call for Proposals (61 for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, and Moldova together (Lot 1), and 103 for Ukraine (Lot 2)) the total of 45 applicants were pre-selected by the independent evaluation committee, and they were invited to submit their full proposals for the second selection phase (22 applicants for Lot 1, and 23 applicants for Lot 2 respectively).

In late July – early August 2017 the M4EG Secretariat in close cooperation with the EU Delegations in each of the participating countries conducted a series of information events in the region with the major goal to inform the pre-selected applicants about the upcoming steps for submitting full proposals, and collect questions related to the Call for Proposals to be forwarded to its administrators in Brussels. The information events also provided an opportunity to discuss with the participants, who are likely to form the core beneficiary group for the M4EG Secretariat, the commitments they are undertaking as M4EG Junior members, general principles of cooperation, respective roles of the involved parties, and their participation in the upcoming Project events and activities.

The full proposals were to be submitted by the pre-selected applicants by September 7, 2017. The finalists for the “Mayors for Economic Growth Pioneer Projects” are expected to be determined in mid-October of 2017.