Call for Success Stories

19 November 2019

Tell us your story!

The M4EG Secretariat is looking for stories of your success resulting from your participation in the M4EG Initiative. Submit to us a short description of what has actually changed in your municipality or city as a result of the engagement with the “Mayors for Economic Growth”, and if your story gets among the most outstanding and inspiring ones, we will ensure that your achievements and experience are widely shared throughout the M4EG community.

The winning municipalities can expect the M4EG Secretariat visit to the municipality; promotion of your story to the local or national media; articles, photo- and video materials being produced in order to popularize your experience; invitations to participate in the future networking and best practice sharing activities of the M4EG Initiative.

Small successes also matter, as they pave the way to larger successes. So, we would be interested to know about  your meaningful achievements of different scale. Has the cooperation with the private sector significantly improved in your locality due to joint work on the Local Economic Development Plan? Or you have successfully introduced some of the best practices you have studied during an M4EG Study Tour or a networking activity? Has the implementation of the Local Economic Development Plan, or a participation in a Staff exchange mission already brought tangible and measurable results? Let us know through sending us brief information in the following format:


Title of the Signatory:____________________________________________________________

Date of joining the M4EG and current status:_________________________________________

What is your success? (please describe the actual positive change that took place)  - approx. one paragraph

How is it attributable to the M4EG support? (tell how exactly this change resulted from your city participating in the Initiative) - approx. one paragraph

How this success can it be measured? (provide any numbers proving the change, comparing them before and after)

Contact person (title and position) – this information is for internal use only in case your story is selected for promotion by the M4EG Secretariat.